maandag 17 maart 2008

New job!

My girlfriend was my courier that weekend, she brought home the Pano of Djoek http://http// and sunday she picked up a '57 Split panel who needs some IRS conversion.

Time to remove that old reduction gearbox

The stuff i need for the IRS conversion.I need to sandblast it before i put it on the split.

The original Beetle brackets i cut off a 1303 rear chassis needs some modifications because off the torsietube of the split that is thicker than the 1303

Just another picture

A cool picture the owner send me!

A other one bites the dust!

Last weekend i had to 2 days to lower this T2 Pano for Ted.
I got it on wednesday but i had to work late those days,so i only could start on saterday.
Nothing prepaired, so i had to do the whole thing,including lowering the front beam with a foksy adjuster!

This is how she came in.Removed the front beam

After cleaning the beam,i found out that someone had try to repair it already.
the new sheet metal that was welded on had already been attacked by rust.
so there was already a hole in it

After the repair!The owner also wanted some other rims,so i placed some adapters on front,and at the rear i replaced the drum and wheelhub that McGyver machined for him!

Sunday at 6, this is how she came out the shop!